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Men’s 5th XI
Sat 21 Oct 2017
Northampton Saints 7
Old Silhillians Hockey Club
Men’s 5th XI
Another tough challenge for the latest addition to OSHC

Another tough challenge for the latest addition to OSHC

Jonny Dugdale23 Oct 2017 - 16:54

But all promise for the future

For a team that's collectively been playing together for less time than it takes to watch the Godfather Trilogy, we are starting to see a real improvement in form and communication.

With a bare 11 we were always going to come up against it this week, particularly playing away against a team with no less than five subs.

The first half started well and we were some ten minutes in before Northampton broke away and scored with the first of two lucky shots across the D. Unbroken, the team rallied in the second half and there was a clear development with the third and fourth goals coming down only to some unfortunate positioning and (let's not forget) fresh legs being turned around every five minutes by the oppo.

We've seen a helluva lot worse results than two goals in either half and the defence put up a great show to protect guest keeper Jonny from coming up against too much attack. Lots to work on at the back nevertheless and the lesson to take away from the day is certainly that we need to keep up on our man-to-man marking. Again, these things build with time and we are clearly going from strength to strength. Big thanks to Craig and Ian who led the defence of the D and without whom safe to say we would have struggled.

Lots more to build on as we move into midfield but from my humble GK position there were several moments of individual greatness. When this is cemented with a more focussed team approach and a bit more gelling with our roles I have every faith that we will build on this. Particular achievements go to Will Maidment for sacrificing himself to protect the ball against a midfielder twice his size....and well done to Sam Huckin for taking the following on the chin:

1. Our defeat
2. A hockey stick.

Sam happily updated me later in the day that we was super-glued up at Northampton A&E and is looking forward to putting in another sterling performance next week.

Onwards and upwards to another game against Ashby 4s, just a fortnight after we first drew at home to them. With plenty of experience in the back and plenty of energy upfront this will make for a very interesting second meet.

Match details

Match date

Sat 21 Oct 2017

Push back


Meet time



Meet at Sils for prompt departure at 1.30. If going direct, pls inform Jonny or Craig. Pitch location is:
Moulton College, Holcot Centre (Gate 3), Pitsford Road, Moulton, Northants, NN3 7SX.
Leave A14 at J2 and take A508 towards Northampton. At 2nd roundabout, pass country park on left. At top of hill, take immediate left into Pitsford. Follow road to Moulton, Gate 3 and Gate 4 of Moulton College will be on your left.
Further reading